Financial Literacy Training

Improved Financial Literacy Tools for Today's Military and Their Families

Coley & Associates, Inc. is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business who's core competency is providing products and services that improve the way people learn and retain information. This includes technical competencies, specialty job skills and general purpose management skills.

As an expert in how people learn, we are able to improve the current counseling methods by focusing on providing the right tools to support the education of today's Military through all points in their careers.

Family looking at laptop together

Why are today's teaching methods not working?

  • Text based solutions
  • Reading is valued over user interaction
  • Counseling is not for everyone
  • Counseling methods trump learning objectives

Recent Surveys Indicate that Only
of Those Eligible Used
Financial Management Resources

Hands holding stack of books.

Coley improves your content and methodologies

  • Leaving expert information as is
  • Repackaging valuable information to be more engaging
  • Improving retention through learning theory
  • Objective based learning
  • Complementing counselors toolkits

Why Coley?

  • We recognize that financial hardship is taking its toll on military families
  • We recognize that current methods are not meeting public law goals, Section 992 of title 10, of the US Code
  • Our CEO is a retired US Air Force CMSgt who understands the Financial Literacy challenges and the impacts on our military
  • We understand how people learn
  • Coley positively impacts our military Servicemembers, their families and the readiness of our US Military Service

Learning Based Delivery of
to Active Duty Service Members and Their Families

United States Marine Corps Department of The Navy logo Department of The Navy logo Department of The Army logo Department of The Air Force logo

We look forward to helping your organization achieve greatness.

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